
A documentation of creation and consumption in San Francisco.  

cheap eats to home feats
deep-fried to fat-free

I started this as a way to share what I make and eat.  Unlike a lot of my favorite food bloggers, I'm not anyone's wife and I don't have a fancy camera, but I try with my old Canon point-and-shoot. 

Not one to wait in line for the latest artisan food fad, I'd rather save money and attempt to make it myself.  I try to cook what's in season and do as much shopping as I can at local farmer's markets, particularly at Civic Center and Alemany.  This blog will make more sense knowing that I'm originally from Hawaii and I love burritos and Indian food.  With that said, I think you get the idea.

 Heart of the City Farmer's Market at Civic Center

 Thanks for reading.
